Proven Financial Education for Students

MyMoney Camp was founded in 2023 with a vision of providing financial education to millions of students in a personal, fun, engaging, hands-on environment. A portion of all MyMoney Camp proceeds — and 100 percent of all sponsorship revenue – are used to provide free financial education in underserved and underprivileged communities.:

MyMoney Camp was created by Marc Hoffman, a retired business and financial editor, coach, entrepreneur and adjunct college professor. After a career in sports and financial journalism, Hoffman founded U.S. Baseball Academy, the nation's largest network of baseball camps. He quickly grew that business from one camp to 250 locations serving 25,000 students annually, before selling it to an investment group in 2017. The blueprint for U.S. Baseball Academy – and now MyMoney Camp – is creating one successful itinerary and set of teaching standards and carrying it to hundreds of locations nationwide, using local instructors in each market. "After teaching baseball skills to half a million participants, we're excited to turn our attention to teaching something much more important – financial skills," he said. "Financial education at an early age isn't just important, it is life-changing. Our goal is to reach one million kids as quickly as possible."

(TBA) is the MyMoney Camp Vice President of Education. With xx years’ experience teaching personal finance to teens, (TBA) has built a proven, fun and engaging itinerary that keeps teens engaged. Not only do students retain the information, the program makes them hungry to learn more on their own. (TBA) manages a network of instructors nationwide who bring the MyMoney Camp program to life in communities across the nation.